With Manuel Araoz we participated on the first VR Jam held by Oculus by the time the first DK1 was released. We built a walking simulator with some puzzles, and focused on ambiance and immersion.

I learned a long-lasting lesson with this project: we didn’t playtest it enough so the jam reviewers could not get past an early point in the game – missing the most fun bits. This was a failure of both lack of playtesting and just bad UX/design. It’s still something that resonates with me, and I strive to never repeat the same mistake any time I’m involved in experience design.

Singular Journey is an exploration/puzzle game focused on atmosphere, where the player discovers and explores an abandoned, ancient, colossal machine and untangles its mysteries. Mainly focused on immersion and ambiance, the game tries to set rules to later break them, giving the opportunity to the player to witness and experience events that cannot happen in real life.

Here’s a quick walkthrough: